Bones, Joints, and TRT: How Testosterone Promotes Bone and Joint Health

Studies have shown that one of the most consistent effects testosterone therapy has on individuals is an increase in bone mineral density (BMD). As you get older, the risk of osteoporosis increases, which can result in painful fractures. Low BMD can cause bones to become brittle and more susceptible to injury.Your body stores 99% of its calcium in your bones and teeth, where it supports their structure and hardness. The remaining 1% circulates around your body, helping with nerve transmission and muscle contraction. Calcium levels are controlled by two hormones: parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin.As men age into their 60s or beyond, the chances of developing osteoporosis increase significantly due to declining testosterone production by their testes. A direct inverse correlation between testosterone levels and PTH has been found in many studies of older men with below-average T levels—the higher the PTH level was, the lower the testosterone level was found to be—and vice versa: When supplemental T therapy raised serum T levels in these studies’ subjects, PTH fell correspondingly. In other words, higher serum T levels reduce PTH secretion; conversely, low testosterone production raises PTH secretion as a compensating mechanism for preserving blood calcium homeostasis.

Increased bone density through testosterone replacement therapy

We mentioned earlier that testosterone has a positive effect on bone growth and density. As men progress through middle age, their hormone levels begin to decline, resulting in decreased muscle mass and strength, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, weight gain, and mood changes (such as irritability). Testosterone replacement therapy can help restore a man’s hormone levels to normal and relieve many of the symptoms associated with low testosterone. In addition to increased energy and vitality, you may experience increased bone density and strength when undergoing testosterone replacement therapy.

The role of testosterone in joint health

Testosterone is a key player when it comes to joint health. Though we usually think of testosterone as a muscle-building hormone, that’s only one part of its job description. Testosterone also has the ability to improve your bone and joint health – and here’s how:Testosterone triggers increased collagen deposits in joints. Collagen is a protein that gives structure to bone tissue, muscle tissue, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. When you have increased collagen deposits in your joints, you have more cushioning between these tissues. This means less friction as they move against each other during everyday activities such as sitting or bending down to tie your shoes.In addition to increasing collateral buildup for protection against friction damage, testosterone ups the production of Type II collagen specifically – which is responsible for the repair and regeneration of cartilage tissue damaged by overexertion or heavy wear-and-tear over time (like what you might experience from playing sports). By supporting this repair process with high levels of Type II collagen production from healthy levels of testosterone production in the body, you can reduce pain associated with normal daily movements.

Improved athletic performance through TRT

Testosterone is necessary for the development of muscle and bone, but not all athletes are aware that it’s a factor in athletic performance. In fact, many believe that a lack of testosterone could be the reason they aren’t achieving their fitness goals. In case you have low testosterone, it is possible to regain bone and joint health by receiving treatment through TRTTRT is a proven treatment method with many benefits for your overall health. TRT has been clinically proven to increase bone density. A lack of testosterone can lead to osteopenia, which can turn into osteoporosis if left untreated. Having this disorder increases a person’s risk for fractures and breaks, as bones become more prone to breaking when they are weaker than normal. The World Health Organization estimates that every three seconds, someone’s life is impacted by osteoporosis. By strengthening weak bones with TRT, men at risk will be able to prevent the onset of osteoporosis and enjoy a greater quality of life after age 65.The same principles apply to joint health; the stronger one’s bones are, the stronger the joints will be that connect them together in various parts of the body!
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our clinic.

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