Guys’ Guide to BCAA and TRT: 6 Benefits These Amino Acids Have on Testosterone Levels

Every protein molecule in our body is made up of amino acids. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it gets a little more complicated when you look at the chemical structure of those amino acids. Some have branches in their chemical structure, and some don’t. The ones with a branched chain are called branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). They are frequently required by the body to develop healthy muscular tissue. BCAAs are found in foods such as dairy, eggs, meat, poultry, and fish, but BCAA supplement beverages, powders, and pills are also quite popular. Supplement powders and beverages offer the same benefits as sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade, but without the added sugar and corn syrup.

What are the benefits of supplementing BCAA?

You’ll receive a multitude of benefits from supplementing branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Some of these include:
  • Increased testosterone: Not only do BCAAs increase your testosterone levels, which, as we know, is important for muscle growth and development, but it also decreases cortisol levels, which is important because cortisol is a catabolic hormone. Research shows that BCAA supplementation can increase anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone while reducing the catabolic hormone cortisol.
  • Muscle building: Supplementing with BCAAs has been shown to help increase muscle mass during training; this is due to the fact that BCAA supplementation increases protein synthesis and lowers the breakdown of proteins in muscles, leading to increased strength and size gains.
  • Increased energy levels: During periods of fasting or intense exercise, BCAAs are metabolized in the brain to create neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. This results in decreased fatigue during workouts by decreasing energy depletion.
  • Faster recovery: Studies have shown that BCAA supplementation helps increase the speed of recovery following exercise; this occurs due to increased ability for protein synthesis after training sessions with BCAAs than without them.

BCAAs reduce muscle soreness and damage

In addition to helping increase your testosterone levels, BCAAs also reduce muscle soreness and damage.When you exercise, you cause damage to your muscles—which is good. However, the more intense the workout, the more damage it causes (i.e., leaky muscles) and the longer it takes to heal. This is why we recommend taking a few days off between workouts!Your muscles repair themselves by using amino acids that are available in your bloodstream. However, if there aren’t enough amino acids in your body (or not enough of some specific ones), then they resort to using vital structures inside the muscle itself (i.e., breaking down muscle tissue).BCAAs compete with other amino acids for uptake into the muscle tissue; therefore, supplementing with BCAAs prevents the breakdown of muscle tissue when there aren’t enough circulating amino acids in your body.

BCAAs delay fatigue during endurance or long workouts

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) can help with muscle recovery and building, which can also help with testosterone levels. Studies have shown that BCAAs can positively improve physical fatigue during a long exercise session. On top of that, they can also help improve the immune system, which is often compromised after intense workouts. BCAA drinks are pretty common among endurance athletes and are a great combination drink during long or intense training sessions.

BCAAs can help improve the immune system

BCAAs are a vital component of the diet of bodybuilders and athletes alike. They can increase the level of glutathione in the body, which is a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione has been shown to increase muscle growth and strength in athletes. Moreover, it can help prevent fatigue due to strenuous activities such as working out or exercising by increasing the amount of oxygenated blood that reaches your muscles.BCAAs have also been used to replenish and repair lost proteins during these strenuous activities. It is important for you to make sure that you’re getting enough protein on a daily basis so that your muscles don’t suffer from this lack thereof, especially if you’re going through an intense training regimen like TRT– then even more so! By adding BCAAs into their diets, athletes were able to not only improve their performance but also live healthier lives through increased glutathione levels within their bodies.

Do BCAAs cause hair loss?

No, BCAA is not a direct cause of hair loss. As with all supplements, if you’re experiencing hair loss, the best thing to do is consult your doctor before starting any supplement regimen. But in general, when used as intended and at recommended dosages, BCAAs will have no effect on your hair.It can be confusing because there are studies that show that high levels of Leucine (one of the three BCAAs) may contribute to male pattern baldness. However, these studies were done on mice who were given an excess of Leucine compared to the normal intake – much more than you would ever get from a BCAA supplement. The only way this study could apply to humans is if you were taking an excessively high dosage of Leucine itself (which would be very hard if not impossible since it’s found in many foods).Overall, branched-chain amino acids offer many benefits for those looking to boost their testosterone levels. These benefits include, but are not limited to increased muscle mass, improved strength, decreased body fat, and better sleep quality. If you are looking to improve your testosterone levels, BCAA supplementation is a great option to consider.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our clinic.

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