Intermittent Fasting and Testosterone Replacement Therapy a Simple Strategy to Start Losing Weight
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a strategy where people cycle between periods of eating and fasting. The goal is to have an extended period of time where you’re not consuming any food or drink. There are different ways to do intermittent fasting, but the basic idea is to alternate between periods of eating and fasting. There are many benefits to intermittent fasting, including weight loss, increased energy, and better health. For example, when you fast, your body releases a hormone called human growth hormone (HGH). This helps to break down fat tissue and grow muscle tissue over time. Combine that with testosterone replacement therapy, and you’ll begin seeing results in no time!
There are several benefits of intermittent fasting:
It allows your body to burn fat more efficiently. When you eat regularly, your body stores food as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Your body can only store so much glycogen, so when it’s full, your body starts storing excess calories as fat. By fasting intermittently, you allow your body to burn through the stored glycogen and use the stored fat for energy.
It improves insulin function. Insulin helps your cells absorb glucose from carbohydrates in your bloodstream. When glucose is absorbed into your cells, it can be used as energy or stored away for later use. In addition to this process being better for you overall because it regulates blood sugar levels, it also allows for increased muscle growth and decreased fat storage!
Are there Proven Benefits to Intermittent Fasting?
Real, science-based health benefits are why this diet has become so popular. The most popular intermittent fasting diet is the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour period daily.
But how does it work?
Fasting causes hormones to change in your body that stimulate fat burning as well as improve other important markers of your health. One important hormone is insulin. Insulin regulates blood sugar and helps get nutrients into cells to be used for energy. When we eat, insulin levels rise due to the increase in carbs, fats, and amino acids (build blocks of protein) we take in from our food or drink. This level can stay high throughout the day with multiple meals keeping us out of a fat-burning state during that time and preventing us from burning our own body fat for fuel.
Intermittent Fasting Leads to Increased Weight Loss
As a bonus, when you use intermittent fasting and testosterone replacement therapy together, you’ll be able to lose more weight faster. Since most men don’t drink enough water as they should, it’s easy to get dehydrated while doing intermittent fasting. And when that happens, your body will start holding on to the fat inside of your fat cells and not allow you to lose any more weight. Luckily though, when a man uses testosterone replacement therapy, he’ll naturally get an increase in his water consumption. The extra water consumption will help keep him hydrated so he can continue losing weight during intermittent fasting.
Intermittent Fasting Increases Testosterone in Men
Intermittent fasting increases testosterone levels in men. Since we live in a world where the average man’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades, it’s significant that intermittent fasting can help reverse this trend. Testosterone is an important hormone for healthy muscle growth and sex drive in men. While testosterone naturally decreases with age, low T levels are associated with decreased performance and increased health risks, including obesity and cardiovascular disease. For those struggling to increase their T levels to normal, healthy ranges, intermittent fasting can be a great tool as part of a comprehensive health plan. But if your goal is to boost your T levels above normal, you should consider using an evidence-based medical treatment like testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT has been shown to significantly improve symptoms of low testosterone in the majority of users.
How do I start Intermittent Fasting?
Here’s a simple strategy to start intermittent fasting that most people can follow.
You can fast for 12 hours or cut your eating window down to 8 hours and eat twice per day if you want to lose weight quickly. Whether you’re losing weight or not, the goal is just to make sure you don’t overeat while you’re eating. This isn’t a diet, and most people can maintain their current body weight on an intermittent fast. It’s more like eating a few times a week instead of every day.
Can I take supplements while fasting?
Supplementation can be taken during fasting. While you may have some minor difficulty taking supplements on an empty stomach, there are ways to make it work. You can mix supplements with a little water or juice and get them down that way. Better yet, if you can do so while sticking to your calorie goal, grab a low-calorie snack (like a half apple) to take with your supplement. This is especially important for fat-soluble vitamins like D3 and K2, as well as creatine and zinc, which all perform best when taken with food.